In every organization, individuals experience pressure of all sorts ranging from personal to work-related. However, most of the stress that people encounter in an organization are associated with the type and the environment of work or responsibilities assigned to them by their bosses. When stress seems challenging in an organization, the following steps should be taken for proper stress management.

  1. Track the Stressors

The above step involves identifying the situations that result to stress in the context of work in an organization. Other than abstract things that cause stress in an organization, one should look at people and the environment around. For proper remembrance and avoidance of such, a person should keep record. Moreover, an individual should focus on their own moves and behavior in an organization because they could be the principal causes of discomfort in the organization. Majority of individuals also report that their work stress is originates from huge and unmanageable workload or pressure from the senior members in an organization.

  1. Build Healthy and Sound Responses

Once you identify the root causes of stress in an organization, the next step is to develop the strategies to adequately cope with the stress. The approaches would be either to totally eliminate stresses or avoid them. It is advisable to opt for healthy responses such as physical exercises instead of indulging into behaviors such as taking alcohol. Other positive responses against stress and stressors include but not limited to switch to one’s hobby for example reading a novel. However, it should be noted that an individual cannot practice their hobbies in the organizational premises.  Such a step is therefore useful only when the stressed individual moves outside the organization and instead of remembering the daily events that are stressful, they turn to any of the hobbies.

  1. Look for Support

Getting help from other individuals in an organization is a key strategy to manage your stress. This approach is suitable for situations such as encounter to challenging work that a person has no experience about. For example, junior members in the organization are often confronted by scenarios they have not experienced before. It is therefore advisable for them to consult the senior members with long-term experience in the organization.

  1. Build Boundaries

An individual should establish the limits within which they work in the organization. For example, one should set specific time span for each activity so that you do not have to spend a lot in one event. Moreover, properly managing yourself means that every activity in that is your responsibility in an organization will be catered for. When boundaries are set for each activity, one has enough time for both mental and physical relaxation.

  1. Consult the Supervisor

Talking to the supervisor is a critical step in managing stresses within an organization. An individual experiencing unfavorable conditions explains them to the supervisor. Such conditions would be the stressors such as the environment or the workload. Supervisors help individuals by giving the right advices and the steps to take.


Allow pets in the organization

Another way of managing stress in an organization is buy allowing the workers to bring along with them their lovely pets they love to the organization.For examples dogs can be allowed and they can be kept in a boundary around the organization using Wireless Dog Fence which is affordable.



It takes a whole organization to manage stress. From top CEO  small line managers.We all have a responsibility.